SXSW 2014 | A Presentation by Daniel C. Wilson | @dancwilson
Front-End Developer
Responsive, mobile, progressive enhancement
We live with a multitude of devices - I like my work actually work on them all
Develop hybrid apps for multiple mobile platforms
Developing for Windows 8 since before it was released
Do not work for Microsoft
Four apps in the Windows Store
Goal is to optimize for various devices with one codebase
Flexible Media
Flexible Grids
Media Queries
Plus More*
We browse the internet on small screens, laptops, 27" monitors, TVs, and more
We do this interchangeably... start reading on the computer and then finish it on a tablet on the couch.
One codebase helps to tie the different optimizations together with a common design and theme
Everything is about adapting, so our images, video, and content should be flexible
Thanks to max-width our images can scale without growing past the original dimensions
vs. a fixed canvas
With responsive, we design in percentages and other relative units
Still design with grids for vertical and horizontal flow
Yet leverage percentages to keep designs fluid
Percentages are great for starting, but sometimes our content breaks
Query against a feature (such as screen width) and apply new rules
@media all and (min-width: 50em) { /* apply different styles */ }
What works well on a small mobile screen might be better served differently on a laptop sized screen
Also used in art direction
Responsive has been a strong word in recent years
People can make it mean almost anything
Comes down to making a web for everyone
Could also be defined as "web design"
Native apps running on Windows 8+
Multiple language options for development
Certain look and feel
C++, C#, VB.NET with XAML
JavaScript with HTML and CSS
WinJS library
Focus on Content
Horizontally driven
Segoe UI and Segoe UI Symbol
Boxes. Lots of them.
Support for touch, stylus, mouse, and keyboard
Several key controls that differentiate Windows Store apps from the web or other platforms
These are largely defined with WinControls
They move content offscreen, provide new navigation models
Using them will make your app feel like it belongs
Triggered by user or programmatically
Windows strives to focus on content
Contextual and global menus are off screen by default
Primarily used through app and nav bars
Example: Bing News
Another location for offscreen content is in a flyout
"Charms" on the right edge of the screen lead you to the app's Settings
Leads to settings or other extra information on the right edge
Common way to organize data
Typically a horizontally scrolling list of grouped data (but can also be vertical)
Feels like a simplified Start Screen
Less common with Windows 8.1 (but I still like it)
Touch-specific gesture that allows a user to select or move an item in a list
Flicking a ListView item up or down selects it
Dragging it up or down further will break it out of its place and allow for reordering
Start Screen used to support this, 8.1 now uses a press-and-hold model
However, 8.1 (belatedly) introduced the cross slide to the ListView control
Two views to represent the same data
"Zoomed In" - detailed items in a list
"Zoomed Out" - groupings of items
Specific to the OS, any app can be "snapped" to show more than one app side by side
By default, snapped can be anything between 500px and the device width in Windows 8.1 (up from 320px)
Height remains the same
Many input methods, and some devices can support all of them
Does the horizontal nature work as well in snap and portrait as landscape?
8" tablets to 27" All-in-Ones... and beyond
Default projects and WinControl styles based in pixels
Larger devices may not always benefit by pushing content offscreen
The web we deal with daily is largely vertically driven
Widescreen monitors but we still almost exclusively scroll down for more
As such, with responsive the first media query people usually write is based on width
With Windows 8, height might be more important
Internet Explorer is still a target
This is not the same browser from the first decade of the millenium
The new elements devs have grown to love
Pointer Events (like a more powerful version of WebKit's touch events)
Media Queries, CSS3 selectors, and other basics
Transforms and transitions (unprefixed)
Animations (unprefixed)
Flexbox (2012 spec in IE 10, final spec in IE 11)
Grid Layout
Multi Column Layout
Selectors API (querySelector, etc.)
Without it, animations can feel sluggish
On many platforms, use it too much and the app will also feel sluggish
Common pattern to trigger in Webkit and others is to specify a 3D transform
IE does it for any 2D or 3D transform (or opacity)
If too many animations for the GPU, will revert to main "dependent" UI thread
display: none
will stop animations, other ways to hide likely will not
Touch events on iOS and adopted on other platforms
Never standardized officially
Pointer events are on the W3C standards path
Instead of focusing only on touch, Pointer events abstract all pointer inputs (touch, mouse, stylus, etc.)
In flux for several years, the final syntax is now here
IE 11 uses this final syntax, as do the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari
If building apps, this is safe to use. Otherwise need fallbacks
(Specific to IE 10+ on Windows and Windows Phone, not apps)
By default mobile platforms largely assume sites are designed for 1024px screens
To tell the browser the site is optimized for other screen widths, a meta tag is used for most platforms
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
IE 10+ (Windows Phone and Snap View) use CSS
@-ms-viewport {
width: device-width;
Same effect visually as meta tag
Can also add unprefixed version for future support
Single Page Application
Sample Project
Might feel familiar (potentially with big caveats)
Initial default.html file is loaded
Views are rendered and loaded into the same main content area
WinJS (by default) will manage navigation stack and handle enter/exit animations, cleanup, etc.
Not required... but provides a lot of standard Windows controls and animations
Navigation, Views, Templates
Data Binding
A lot of the underlying Windows APIs return WinJS Promises
Animation library that uses CSS animations underneath plus Promises
However, nothing preventing you from using a web framework like Backbone or Lavaca
Sometimes can feel like it is designed for a traditional Windows developer
ListView and Data Binding
ListViews seem at the surface simple: Groups of items
Set up for a ListView can be more complicated
Has to handle a lot of potential data and is optimized for it
But for a simple data set might be overkill
Manage asynchronous methods
jQuery's $.Deferred is an implementation
Also appears in various JS toolsets
WinJS offers an implementation as well
Any asynchronous WinJS call will return a Promise object
Fetching from the File System, doing an animation, rendering a template, XHR
The "classic" approach to asynchronous handlers is through callbacks
jQuery.ajax() expects success and error callbacks
Promises are return objects that are chainable and can bubble data up
A Promise will be either resolved (success) or rejected (error)
Specify handlers on what to do when it resolves or rejects (or what to always do)
Also can specify to only react once multiple Promises are resolved/rejected
function success() {},
function error() {});
function success() {},
function error() {});
aAsync(function success1() {
bAsync(function success2() {
cAsync(function success3() {
.then(function () { return bAsync(); })
.then(function () { return cAsync(); })
.done(function () { finish(); });
Small tablets, large desktops, TVs
Landscape, Portrait, Snap views
Columns (and some forms of flexbox) to save the day
Multicolumn layout
What we specify is a suggestion to app's rendering
article {
column-fill: auto;
column-width: 30em;
column-gap: 5em;
/* column-count: 3; you can also specify a count,
but that's less useful when you are horizontally
minded with unknown content lengths */
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
overflow-x: auto;
Potentially will have offscreen content
One of those times where percentages probably aren't best
Horizontally "stacked" items can benefit from fixed width items
Currently supports scaling ratios of 1, 1.4, and 1.8
Using SVG is preferred when possible for crisp images
Bitmap images: add scaled versions with specific names
<img src="images/myImage.jpg">
Can also use media queries for min-resolution
Common for background images
@media screen and (min-resolution: 134dpi) { /*1.4 scaling styles */ }
@media screen and (min-resolution: 172dpi) { /*1.8 scaling styles */ }
Tablet that is touch with an on screen keyboard
... plus a stylus
... plus a keyboard cover
Laptop with trackpad + keyboard
... plus a touchscreen
... that also disconnects from the trackpad and keyboard
Desktop with a mouse and keyboard
... plus a touchscreen
... that connects to a (non-touch) TV as a second monitor
Touched on earlier
Like a combination of touch events and mouse events
pointerdown, pointermove, pointerup, pointercancel, pointerover, pointerout, pointerenter, pointerleave
PointerEvents have properties such as pointerType, button, tiltX/Y, pressure, timeStamp, currentPoint, intermediatePoints
You might find that events are not firing
The key is likely a corresponding CSS property: touch-action
touch-action states what should use default interactions
If a touch action is not represented, events will fire in JavaScript
auto, none, pan-x/y, manipulation, cross-slide-x/y, pinch-zoom, double-tap-zoom
article {
touch-action: pan-x;
/* only swipes/drags horizontally will perform the default OS behaviors */
/* only other gestures (like a vertical swipe or pinch) will trigger events */
Pointer Events are great, but gestures are sometimes complicated
MSGesture provides some basic gesture abstractions
Essentially built on top of Pointer Events
MSGestureStart, MSGestureEnd, MSGestureChange, MSInertiaStart, MSGestureTap, MSGestureHold
MSGestureEvents have properties such as scale, expansion, rotation, timeStamp, and variations of translation and velocity
When MSGesture won't cut it
Dragging, tapping, right tapping, cross sliding
Complicated at first glance (and more), but powerful
Just dive in...
Geolocation via navigator.geolocation, or a Windows-specific method
var locator = new Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geolocator();
locator.getGeolocationAsync().then(success, error);
Resource files
ARIA labels
High Contrast
Like to use SASS or LESS?
Like to use Grunt?
Like to use SublimeText?
You can.
Will Windows converge with Windows Phone?
Fluidity and Flexibility now set us up well for changes